The T4220 will likely be a hit with folks seeking a classy Tablet PC for business or college. Stand out features include dual-directional hinge movement, allowing rotation of the display any way you like, and a 2GHz core 2 duo processor.
Not alltablets are created equal. This isn't kindergarten t-ball, whereevery players a winner. No, the technology still on the left edgeof the technology curve-the newish end-so it's not something youcan buy into on the cheap and expect to get quality. But you canget value if you pay a little more. In today's case, value issynonymous with the Fujitsu T4220.
At slightlyunder $1,900 retail with features described in this article, theFujitsu T4220 packs much of the same stuff that you'd expect froma traditional laptop at this price range. It's an Intel Core 2Duo computer (the T7300 with 2GHz) on the Santa Rosa chipset with2GB of memory, which is right down the middle these days forVista-based computers. The hard drive isn't gigantic, at 100GB,but it'll do.
The accessibility options are not too shabby either. Bluetooth,smart card, optical, 3-in-1 card reader, VGA, USB, wireless-theFujitsu T4220 has 'em. It's got a DVD writer optical drive.
And for business types-whose laptops usually start at this end ofthe price range-it's got a fingerprint reader to make your ITdepartment happy. While we're on the topic of security, theFujitsu T4220 also comes with two locks-one on the front side andthe other on the space-saved/topical drive slot, to protectwhatever you happen to store in there.
But let's get to the truly fun part of Fujitsu T4220-it's atablet, remember? With tablets, users tend to cradle the computerin their hands. With that in mind, the Fujitsu designers placedfabric swatches on the bottom of the computer, in places whereyour delicate skin would be likely to contact the chassis. Thatway, you don't get the sweats when the core heats up.
Perhaps the second most important part of a tablet, its hinge, isunlike any in the business. It allows double-directionalmovement, meaning you can rotate the 12.1 inch display any way youlike.
The first most important part of a tablet, the screen, is alsostellar. With resolution capability up to 1400 x 1050, it wieldsa mighty colorful palette. But forget colors. How easy is it toscribble on it? From the reports I've heard, the pen writes assmoothly on it as if you're writing on paper. It even comes withan eraser!
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