Here's a flexible solar panel that can help you recharge your laptop when you're hiking in the himalayas, hundreds of miles from any power socket. It's waterproof and can provide a maximum output of 14 watts.
Have youever been on a desolate mountain, hiking all day up until youreach the summit where you've dreamed of reaching you're wholelife, only to realize you have no batteries for your camera torecord the vision for posterity? Or have you ever been lost inthe Amazon after your prop plane made an emergency landing, butluckily you have a sat phone on hand-except again, you have nobatteries? Don't worry, there aren't that many headhunters leftin those parts.
It's forthese situations-outrageous yet fully within the range of today'sadventurers-that Brunton developed the SolarRolls, as well asboring, everyday travels through the great outdoors. SolarRollsare rugged yet flexible solar cell power sources that can be usedwith most any portable electronic device, from cameras and cellphones, to video recorders and, why yes, laptops. They can evencharge car batteries.
In the "olden days"-just a few years ago-travelers would have tolug around and rely on heavy solid cell batteries for a similarbackup power system. SolarRolls, though, are so-called"amorphous" solar cells, meaning you can literally roll them upwithout fear of harming some hardened part. They are alsowaterproof. They are made of something called Tefzelfluoropolymer.
The largest, SolarRoll 14, is 12 inches by 57 inches rolled out,but weighs in at only 17 ounces. It can crank out a max 14 watts,so it's the one you'd want to charge your laptop whenyou're camping in the Rockies (or hanging out at an all-day musicfest). There is also the SolarRoll 9, at 12 inches by 40 inches,which cranks out 9 max watts, good for cell phones and cameras.The smallest, the SolarRoll 4.5, measures in at 12 inches by 22inches, weighs only 6.4 ounces, and cranks out-yes, you guessedit, 4.5 watts-perfect for cells phones, crackberries and thelike.
If ever you happen to be stranded in a glacier in Greenland withevery single portable device on you, all of which need to becharged, never fear. You can connect multiple SolarRoll panels together to up their wattage. At the time of writing this product is selling for $479, however, for the latest prices and more information on this solar charger check
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